The beauty of the heirloom Blue Lake Bean is in it’s stringless-ness and flavor. It’s a snap variety that grows easily and offers “superior” flavor, color and texture. They are long and straight in shape and do not need stalking to grow. They were originally developed to be a canning bean but have come to be enjoyed fresh as well. They’re a great source of natural carbohydrate delivered along with vitamin A, C, K, folate, and manganese. Along with many other green beans, they’re considered helpful for cardiovascular health, colon-health and offer strong anti-inflammatory support.
Always wash fresh produce using cold running water. They’re great served steamed or fresh in salads, ether whole or sliced. You can also boil them in salted water until crisp, 4-5 minutes, then rinse with cold water. You can also sauté them in butter or oil with other vegetables. They’re also perfect for quick pickling or canning, and pair well with fresh herbs, citrus, nuts, raisins, lemon, hard cheeses, tomato and summer squash.