Kawailoa Farm
Kawailoa Organic Farm, located on the North side of Oahu outside of Haleiwa, and has been in operation for over 20 years, with 10 years of organic certification.
TED NAKAMURA is a well respected veteran of the local farming community who has been farming in Hawaii for over thirty years. He has farmed organically since 1993, and received his USDA Organic Certification in 2002. Ted’s produce can be found at Down to Earth, Kokua Market, Whole Foods, as well as various farmers markets.
What they grow
Eggplant (aubergine)
Long Bean (Yardlong Bean, Chinese Long Bean, Long-podded Cowpea)
Okra (bhindi, lady’s fingers)
Winged Bean (Asparagus Pea, Tua Pu, Sigarillas, Goa Pea, Urizun, Shikaku-mame, )