Aloha everyone! Hope you’re having a great week-what an amazing day to start the week too! Sunday was beautiful…definitely a lucky live Hawaii day.
Also a lucky bag this week–we’ve got eggs for everyone!! Many of you may be familiar with Petersen’s Egg Farm in Wahiawa…we were lucky enough to run into Rep. Lauren Cheape at the Ag Day at the Capitol last Thursday and she mentioned that they had an overload of medium sized eggs. We’re happy to help take them off their hands and get them out to you. In addition, we’ll have roma tomatoes from Pit Farms, tatsoi from Nalo Farms, round eggplant and string beans from Ho Farms, & fresh hydroponic lettuce from 808Fresh. We’re also so happy to have 808Fresh back in the game–they were hard hit by the strong winds we had over the winter and are now back to regular production in lovely Waimanalo.
So a few ideas for using your bounty this week:
Tatsoi Ciabatta Open Faced Egg Sandwich No picture with this one, but what a great idea to jazz up your breakfast!
Sichuan Eggplant a hot recipe! but also a quick one, this recipe calls for long eggplant but round will also work…make a refreshing salad on the side to cool your taste buds.
Green Bean Fries No problem getting your keiki to eat their beans this way!!
Easy Poached Eggs Poached eggs are an elegant addition to salads for lunch or dinner and make breakfast more like a special brunch. They are a great way to add protein to your meal…and not too difficult to do!
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